How to Find an English Speaking Job in Berlin?

Last updated January 9, 2025

Rishi Anand
How to Find an English Speaking Job in Berlin

Are you planning to relocate to Berlin in order to get a job in Germany? Or are you searching for an English speaking job in Berlin? But you must be confused on where to apply or what’s the procedure to grab an English speaking job in Berlin. If this is the case, then relax! We are here to help you out in the journey of your dream job in Berlin. Finding a job abroad becomes thorny when the working language of that country is not your native language. That’s why, to tackle these kinds of hassles, English has been set as a second language for any country. The city of Berlin is well known for the field of art, design, creativity and technology. If you are having a skill in any of these fields, then Berlin might be a good locale for you.

Below mentioned are some steps, which you can follow to find an English speaking job in Berlin.

Follow These Steps to find an English Speaking Job in Berlin Easily

Finding a job in Berlin is not so strenuous task, but finding an English language job can be hassling for you. But there are some pre-requisites, which you can follow to easily find your dream job in Berlin, that too in English. Let’s begin.

Get a residence and work permit

Germany is a hushed place, which is known for its hard rules and regulations, especially for the expats or foreigners. Without a residence and work permit, you will not be allowed to work in Germany. At the initial stages, you will be given a temporary residence permit, which is known as “Aufenthaltserlaubnis”. To get a work permit of Germany, it is compulsory that you hold a residence permit.

Organize Your CV

In Berlin, there is a very inflated competition in the job market. You will have to compete with many other highly skilled and experienced candidates to secure your position for an English speaking job in Berlin. Your first priority should be organizing your CV for the specific job role, which you are applying for. A recruiter will always prefer those candidates, who have a wonderful CV and cover letter that really stands out.

Keep Mandatory points in Your CV

Recruiting managers or HRs in Germany always prefer CVs with a professional photo in it. So make sure that you have attached a high-quality professional photo in your CV before applying for job. Your CV should also contain few points, which can help you in getting selected for your desired job role in English language. Some of these points are –

  • After settling down in Germany, acquire a German contact number as soon as possible, so that you can put it on your CV. It will help your potential recruiters connect to you in need, as well as it adds more value to a CV.
  • If you know to speak German language, that will be a plus point to your CV. It’s not mandatory that if you know German language, then only you will get an English speaking job in Berlin, but it can impress the employers. German is the native language of Berlin and due to this, it might look spectacular. But if you are unknowledgeable with German language, then you should take a German course.
  • German CV structures are quite unique. So, acclimatize your CV as per the German job market. Before applying to any English speaking job in Berlin, ensure that your CV is formatted and structured as per German CV standards.
  • In Germany, cover letters are considered more important than a CV. So, you will also have to design a cover letter in an exclusive and eye-catching way.

Consider your Diligence

Every country has their own specialization in dealing with explicit fields. In the same way, Berlin might not be the right choice for you depending on your preferred industry. Some are growing industries and high-paid segments, for which you can always glance for an English speaking job in Berlin are –

  • Transport and logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Service
  • Healthcare
  • Media and creativity

Register on Job Sites

One of the best places to begin a search for an English speaking job in Berlin is the online job sites. It is a good way to apply for the most popular vacancies by uploading your CV on these job sites. There are lots of job listing sites in Germany, where you can look for a vacancy in your field, that too in English language. Some of the most popular sites are –

  • Heureka
  • Startup Sucht
  • Deutsche Startups

Find Some Recruiter Agencies

Sometimes recruitment agencies play an important role as a bridge between a job seeker and the hiring company. So, try to find good placement agencies in Berlin and get registered with them. Some of best recruiters are-

  • S&W- They provide a wide range of job vacancies over various sectors in Berlin.
  • Stuwex- This agency provides opportunities for an entry-level job seeker or fresher. You can get either a full time English speaking job in Berlin or internships.
  • Job Point- This is one of the best reviewed recruitment agencies in Germany, where you can get lots of job options. You may get selected for an interview session by submitting your CV and cover letter.

Be on Time after Interview Scheduling

Berlin is too domineering regarding time and professionalism. You must have heard that Germans are well-known for their inflexible timelines.  So, when you have your interview scheduled for an English speaking job in Berlin, it is suggested that go through all your preparations and reach at least 15 to 20 minutes earlier.

What Kind of English Speaking Job Profiles Can You Get in Berlin?

Most of the expats who are living in Berlin are found to serve in the below given sectors as finding an English speaking job in Berlin for these sectors is easy. These sectors are –

  • Recruitment
  • Hospitality
  • Tech
  • Sales and Business development
  • Customer Service
  • Teaching and Education
What Next?

Hopefully, you have got apropos information after reading the above information and guide on ‘how to find an English speaking job in Berlin. But you should also keep in your mind that it’s not possible to get a dream job overnight, especially in Berlin. It could take several weeks or months, if you are not an EU citizen. But, if you follow the above steps, finding an English speaking job in Berlin will be a lot easier for you. All you need is to have patience and be realistic.

We wish you ‘Best of Luck’ for your employment journey in Berlin.

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