A trusted
localization partner

For businesses of all sizes…

e-learning localization services offered by Linguidoor

E-Learning should be as limitless as your ambitions

Our experts wield a spectrum of e-learning solutions in 65+ languages, propelling your platform to every corner of the globe and beyond.

Online Courses and Modules Localization
Online Courses and Modules Localization

Explore diverse subjects through our expertly localized online courses. Engage in individually tailored modules, lectures, and lessons for a global audience.

Corporate Training Materials Localization

Elevate your workforce with our meticulous localization of employee training programs. Equip international teams with seamlessly translated manuals and interactive modules.

Multimedia Presentations Localization

Immerse learners globally with our localized video-based training materials. Enhance engagement through culturally resonant slide presentations.

Interactive Simulations and Serious Games Localization

Step into educational realms worldwide with our localized simulations and games. Experience gamified learning through translated quizzes and educational games.

E-Learning Assessments and Tests Localization

Ensure global accessibility with our localization of online quizzes and exams. Prepare effectively with localized test materials for diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Mobile Learning Apps Localization

Unleash learning on-the-go with our meticulously localized mobile applications. Experience a culturally tailored app interface and content worldwide..

Compliance and Regulatory Training Localization

Navigate global industry regulations effortlessly with our specialized localization. Ensure team compliance across linguistic and cultural landscapes.

Language Learning Programs Localization

Embark on language learning journeys with our culturally sensitive and expertly localized courses. Make language acquisition an enjoyable experience for learners worldwide.

Healthcare and Medical Training Localization

Equip healthcare professionals globally with our precise localization of medical e-learning modules. Foster continuous learning and professional development in the healthcare sector.

Soft Skills and Leadership Training Localization

Foster international professional growth with our expert localization of training programs. Empower individuals worldwide to excel in their careers with culturally attuned services.

Educational Websites and Portals Localization

Unlock a world of knowledge with our expertly localized educational websites and portals. Ensure a seamless and enriching learning experience for diverse users.

Educational Content Localization for Children

Ignite young minds globally with our culturally adapted and expertly localized e-learning materials. Spark curiosity and foster a love for learning from an early age.

Academic Courseware Localization
Academic Courseware Localization

Enrich higher education experiences globally with our precise localization of course materials. Support academic excellence across linguistic and cultural boundaries.

Sales and Product Training Localization
Sales and Product Training Localization

Elevate your global salesforce with our comprehensive localization of training programs. Ensure a skilled and successful international sales team with culturally attuned services.

Environmental and Safety Training Localization
Environmental and Safety Training Localization

Prioritize safety and sustainability globally with our specialized localization of training materials. Create a secure and responsible working environment worldwide with linguistically accurate service

Content that we localize

Transform your e-learning content with Linguidoor

Our commitment lies in reshaping your educational content into a global masterpiece, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers.
Let us be your catalyst for a truly borderless and impactful e-learning experience.

Textual Content
Textual Content

At Linguidoor, our expertise in transforming e-learning content begins with meticulous attention to textual elements. From course content, including lessons and reading assignments, to assessments with quizzes and instructions, we tailor each component for linguistic precision and cultural relevance. Empowering learners in their native languages, our eLearning localization services ensure a seamless and impactful learning experience.

Audio-Visual Content
Audio-Visual Content

In the realm of audio-visual elements, Linguidoor excels in the localization of narrations, video subtitles, graphics, images, animations, and interactive components. By adapting these dynamic features, we not only enhance engagement but also ensure cultural resonance, allowing learners to connect with the content on a deeper level across diverse cultural backgrounds.

User Interface (UI)
User Interface (UI)

Navigating the intricacies of user interface, Linguidoor's eLearning translation services excel in platform labels, buttons, menus, and user documentation. This ensures an intuitive and user-friendly learning experience, fostering accessibility and ease of comprehension for learners interacting with the e-learning platform.

Cultural and Contextual Elements
Cultural and Contextual Elements

Our commitment to authenticity extends to cultural and contextual elements. From aligning cultural references and examples to incorporating region-specific idioms and scenarios, Linguidoor ensures that the content is not just linguistically accurate but culturally relevant, enhancing its impact on the target audience.

Accessibility and Compliance
Accessibility and Compliance

Championing inclusivity, Linguidoor ensures that e-learning content meets local accessibility standards, making it accessible to learners with disabilities. Simultaneously, we navigate legal and regulatory compliance, safeguarding content according to local laws, including considerations for copyright and data privacy.

Content Structure and Navigation
Content Structure and Navigation

Linguidoor excels in adapting the overall course structure, module organization, and navigation to align with regional preferences. This includes adjusting the flow of navigation to suit the expectations of the target audience, providing a tailored and intuitive learning journey.

Learning Materials
Learning Materials

In the realm of learning materials, we adeptly localize eBooks, documents, scripts, and any reference materials associated with the e-learning content. This ensures that learners have access to comprehensive and culturally adapted resources, supporting their educational journey.

Mobile and Web Apps
Mobile and Web Apps

Linguidoor extends its proficiency to the localization of mobile or web app interfaces associated with e-learning content. By translating and adapting app UI elements, we contribute to a cohesive and culturally attuned user experience on various digital platforms.

Feedback and Communication
Feedback and Communication

Facilitating effective communication, Linguidoor provides localized feedback mechanisms, surveys, and communication channels for learners. We also adapt discussion forums and chat platforms to ensure seamless and culturally relevant interactions.

Maintenance and Updates
Maintenance and Updates

Beyond initial localization, Linguidoor strategizes for ongoing updates, planning for the continuous localization of new content to keep e-learning materials current and relevant.

Platform Integration
Platform Integration

Ensuring seamless integration, Linguidoor works on localizing content for easy incorporation into the chosen Learning Management System (LMS), providing a cohesive and integrated learning ecosystem.

Our tech expertise

Tools that empower our expert linguists

In the dynamic landscape of e-learning localization, leveraging cutting-edge tools is paramount to empower our linguists, enabling them to deliver the highest caliber of service by ensuring precision, efficiency, and cultural resonance in every aspect of content localization.

  • Articulate Storyline Articulate Storyline
  • Adobe Captivate Adobe Captivate
  • Lectora Inspire Lectora Inspire
  • SCORM Cloud SCORM Cloud
  • Moodle Moodle
  • Blackboard Learn Blackboard Learn
  • Tin Can API (xAPI) Tin Can API (xAPI)
  • SCORM Editor Tools SCORM Editor Tools
  • Learning Record
  • Stores (LRS)
LMS supported by linguidoor

Operating across all types of
Learning Management Systems

We pride ourselves on our adaptability, ensuring that our e-learning localization services integrate flawlessly with diverse platforms for a cohesive and accessible learning experience.

  • Moodle Moodle
  • Blackboard Learn Blackboard Learn
  • Canvas Canvas
  • Adobe Captivate Adobe Captivate
  • Prime Prime
  • SAP Litmos SAP Litmos
  • TalentLMS TalentLMS
  • Docebo Docebo
  • Schoology Schoology
  • Totara Learn Totara Learn
  • Cornerstone Learning Cornerstone Learning

3 quick steps to global content...

562+ Projects
We offer Tailormade Translation & Localization services to you in 65+ Languages.
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      Our Aproach

      Here’s what sets us apart

      Linguidoor delivers precision, culture-sensitive translation globally.

      Multimedia Excellence


      Multimedia Excellence

      Experience our commitment to multimedia localization. Our team ensures the seamless integration of voice-overs, subtitles, and graphics while maintaining cultural sensitivity and technical precision.

      Technical Proficienc


      Technical Proficienc

      Our technical experts set us apart. With in-depth knowledge of e-learning systems, Learning Management Systems (LMS), and industry standards like SCORM, we guarantee technically flawless content.

      Cultural Sensitivity & UX Focus

      Sensitivity & UX Focus

      Cultural Sensitivity & UX Focus

      Embrace innovation with cutting-edge tools and emerging technologies. From AI-driven language processing to learning analytics, we infuse your content with the latest advancements for a future-ready educational journey.

      User Interface Localization

      User Interface

      User Interface Localization

      Explore meticulous user interface (UI) localization overseen by UI design experts. We adapt UI elements for an intuitive experience.

      Stringent Quality Assurance

      Quality Assurance

      Stringent Quality Assurance

      Quality assurance is our foundation, covering linguistic validation, exhaustive functional testing, and cultural sensitivity assessments for excellence in every aspect.

      Accessibility Compliance


      Accessibility Compliance

      Led by compliance specialists, our dedication to accessibility follows strict standards like WCAG, ensuring inclusive content for all learners.

      How we add value

      Strategic synergy

      Partnering with us unlocks the strategic benefits of localization for e-learning entities, guaranteeing global market expansion, effective training, legal compliance, and a prominent online education presence. Our commitment breaks down linguistic barriers, fostering diversity, engagement, and establishing your brand as a leader in accessible and effective e-learning.

      • Market Expansion
      • Effective Training
      • Compliance
      • Global Reach
      • Brand Reputation

      Case Studies - From Challenges to Success

      Explore our case studies showcasing Years of experience in helping businesses go global through expert and best translation and localization services.

      Linguidoor's App Localization Skyrockets Koo's Downloads In 7 Countries

      App Localization

      January 16, 2024

      German, French, Italian, Arabic, Indonesian, Japanese and Spanish

      Linguidoor's Multilingual Localization Solutions For smart's Europe Expansion

      Website Localization, App Localization and Document Translation

      November 16, 2023

      Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Dutch, English, Norwegian, Swedish and Chinese

      Real stories, real results...


      “We have worked with Linguidoor on several projects for translations.The most recent was a translation of our smart Media Website to Regional Media Sites, where Linguidoor supported us in translating English into 4 different European languages (Dutch, German, Swedish, and Portuguese). I really appreciate their promptness in accepting queries and timely delivery of tasks. Their quality of translations is also very accurate and proficient.”

      Gunjan Khandelwal Specialist PR and Communications,
      smart Europe GmbH, Germany

      “Linguidoor provides professional translation service. I’ve collaborated several times with them. The team reacts fast, communicatively. Recommended.”

      Qian WU, Ph.D. International Sales manager,
      Morphogo, China

      “We asked Linduidoor to translate a company contract from German to English. We did not only receive our translated document promptly, but also in a very high quality. Thank you Rishi!”

      Isabella Böck Circularity Targets and KPIs Specialist,
      eolos GmbH, Berlin Germany

      Frequently asked questions complied just for you

      What is eLearning localization?

      Elearning localization means to transform content from one language and culture to another for particular regions and audiences. Translation includes only language, but localization goes much further and can even include the modification of graphics, audio, etc.

      At Linguidoor, we have a team of expert linguists who are highly qualified and experienced in translating various types of eLearning content. We can translate training modules, e-books, videos, presentations, and other eLearning materials. Our team has extensive experience working with various formats and platforms, including Articulate Storyline, Captivate, Lectora, and Moodle. We can also translate multimedia elements such as images, graphics, and audio to ensure that your eLearning content is fully localized and culturally appropriate for your target audience.

      We use a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure that all eLearning localizations are accurate, culturally sensitive and meet our client’s needs and requirements. Our process includes multiple rounds of proofreading, editing, client review, and feedback. At Linguidoor, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality eLearning translation services that meet the needs of our clients and ensure the best possible learning outcomes for their learners. That’s why we have developed a comprehensive quality assurance process beyond simply translating the words on the page.

      Linguidoor’s eLearning translation services estimations can vary depending on the content’s length, complexity, and format and the number of languages being translated. We will provide you with a detailed timeline and turnaround estimate based on your project requirements. We aim to deliver high-quality eLearning localization services within a reasonable timeframe to meet our client’s needs.

      Our rates for eLearning translation services may vary depending on several factors, such as the language pair, the content volume, and the subject matter’s complexity. We would need more information about your specific project to provide an accurate quote.

      Haven't got your answers? Contact Support


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      Empower your globalization goals today!