A trusted
localization partner

For businesses of all sizes…

Types of Software we Localize

Your gateway to global success

Where language meets opportunity
Linguidoor paves the way for your software's global triumph.

Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps

Linguidoor ensures your mobile (Android and iOS) app speaks the language of success across global markets. Our expert localization services guarantee seamless user experiences, making your app resonate with diverse audiences.

Desktop Applications
Desktop Applications

Elevate your desktop software's global presence with Linguidoor. Our localization expertise transforms user interfaces (Windows, macOS, and Linux) and experiences, breaking down language barriers for a truly international reach.

Web Applications
Web Applications

Expand your online footprint with Linguidoor's website localization. We tailor web applications to resonate with users worldwide, creating a compelling, culturally relevant online experience for your audience.

E-Gaming Platforms
E-Gaming Platforms

Level up your game's global appeal with Linguidoor. Our game localization services ensure that language differences enhance, rather than hinder, the player experience, unlocking new markets for your gaming masterpiece.

Enterprise Software
Enterprise Software

Navigate international business landscapes effortlessly with Linguidoor. Our enterprise software localization ensures that your business applications, CRM systems, and ERP solutions are not just powerful but also culturally attuned, fostering global success.

E-learning Platforms
E-learning Platforms

Empower learners worldwide with Linguidoor's e-learning localization. We adapt educational content to diverse cultures, making your platform an accessible and engaging space for a global audience.

Medical Software
Medical Software

Trust Linguidoor to make your healthcare software universally understood. Our medical software localization ensures accuracy and cultural sensitivity, fostering clear communication in the complex world of healthcare.

Multimedia Software
Multimedia Software

Transform your multimedia tools into global sensations with Linguidoor. We adapt audio/video editing and graphic design software, ensuring creatives worldwide can unleash their potential with user-friendly interfaces.

IoT (Internet of Things) Devices
IoT (Internet of Things) Devices

Connect with users globally through Linguidoor's IoT device localization. We ensure that the software embedded in smart devices speaks the language of every user, enhancing the IoT experience worldwide.

Automotive Software
Automotive Software

Drive your automotive software to new horizons with Linguidoor. Our localization services for infotainment systems, navigation software, and more, ensure a smooth ride across diverse linguistic landscapes.

Financial Software
Financial Software

Optimize your financial software for global markets with Linguidoor. Our localization expertise ensures that banking applications and accounting software are not just precise but also culturally adapted for financial success worldwide.

Localization Platforms
Localization Platforms

Simplify and streamline your localization process with Linguidoor. Our localization platform services provide efficient translation management, helping you navigate the global market with ease .

Technology we support for software localization

Our commitment extends to supporting all file types

At Linguidoor, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive file support, ensuring that your localization needs are met seamlessly.
From source code to documentation, we've got your diverse file types covered, allowing you to confidently scale without limitations.

  • resx .resx
  • properties .properties
  • xliff .xliff
  • json .json
  • yaml .yaml
  • xml .xml
  • html .html
  • md .md
  • chm .chm
  • hlp .hlp
  • dll .dll
  • exe .exe
  • IOS Files IOS Files
  • Android Files Android Files
File Types we support

Trust Linguidoor to handle the diversity of file formats

At Linguidoor, we've got your files covered.
Our versatile support extends to a wide array of file types, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience for all your localization needs.

  • MongoDB MongoDB
  • Java Java
  • C# C#
  • Git Git
  • svn SVN
  • SDL Trados Studio SDL Trados Studio
  • MemoQ MemoQ
  • Jenkins Jenkins
  • Travis CI Travis CI
Add-on Services

Explore additional services with Linguidoor

Beyond our core offerings, our suite of supplementary services is designed to cater to the evolving needs of your business.

Internationalization Assessment
Internationalization Assessment

Prepare for global expansion from the ground up. Linguidoor conducts thorough internationalization assessments, ensuring your software is ready for seamless localization into any language.

Global Marketing and SEO
Global Marketing and SEO

Boost your software's visibility worldwide. Linguidoor assists in global marketing and SEO optimization, ensuring that your product reaches the right audience in every corner of the world.

Multilingual Content Creation
Multilingual Content Creation

Enrich your software with compelling content. Linguidoor offers multilingual content creation services, crafting engaging copy, documentation, and marketing materials tailored to diverse audiences.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates
Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Stay relevant in a dynamic global landscape. Linguidoor provides continuous support with ongoing maintenance and updates, ensuring that your software evolves alongside changing linguistic and cultural landscapes.

3 quick steps to global content...

562+ Projects
We offer Tailormade Translation & Localization services to you in 65+ Languages.
  • 01

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      Our Aproach

      Here’s what sets us apart

      Linguidoor delivers precision, culture-sensitive translation globally.

      Internationalization Evaluation


      Internationalization Evaluation

      Linguidoor ensures your software is set for global adaptation. The team assesses the foundation, guaranteeing it's easily customizable for diverse languages, regions, and cultural preferences.

      Terminology Management


      Terminology Management

      Linguidoor upholds precision across translations. Their meticulous terminology management fosters consistency, reducing ambiguity and enhancing comprehension within your sector.

      Cultural Sensitivity & UX Focus

      Cultural Sensitivity
      & UX Focus

      Cultural Sensitivity & UX Focus

      Beyond language, we enhance user experience by aligning software with cultural norms. This ensures deep engagement, vital for diverse market success.

      Full-step Translation


      Full-step Translation

      Experience top-notch translations with Linguidoor's TEP process—Translation, Editing, and Proofreading by three native professionals. They deliver linguistic excellence with a meticulous approach.

      LQA / Testing


      LQA / Testing

      Linguidoor conducts rigorous linguistic, functional, and UX testing to guarantee a flawless global user experience. From user interface to documentation, their LQA testers validate accuracy and cultural relevance.

      Client-Centric Feedback Loop

      Feedback Loop

      Client-Centric Feedback Loop

      Your input shapes the journey with Linguidoor. Engage at every phase, from translation to technical validation. We craft the final product to your exact standards, ensuring it meets and exceeds your expectations.

      How we add value

      Strategic synergy

      Choose Linguidoor, for your Software Localization Services needs and experience a range of unparalleled benefits. Your software will seamlessly connect with global users, providing enhanced accessibility and a consistent brand image. Accelerated market entry, increased adoption, and strategic advantage are inherent in our service, ensuring your software's success in diverse markets.

      • Increased
        User Adoption
      • Improved
        User Experience
      • Higher
        Revenue Potential
      • Faster
      • Strong
        Brand Image

      Case Studies - From Challenges to Success

      Explore our case studies showcasing Years of experience in helping businesses go global through expert and best translation and localization services.

      Linguidoor's App Localization Skyrockets Koo's Downloads In 7 Countries

      App Localization

      January 16, 2024

      German, French, Italian, Arabic, Indonesian, Japanese and Spanish

      Linguidoor's Multilingual Localization Solutions For smart's Europe Expansion

      Website Localization, App Localization and Document Translation

      November 16, 2023

      Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Dutch, English, Norwegian, Swedish and Chinese

      Real stories, real results...


      “We have worked with Linguidoor on several projects for translations.The most recent was a translation of our smart Media Website to Regional Media Sites, where Linguidoor supported us in translating English into 4 different European languages (Dutch, German, Swedish, and Portuguese). I really appreciate their promptness in accepting queries and timely delivery of tasks. Their quality of translations is also very accurate and proficient.”

      Gunjan Khandelwal Specialist PR and Communications,
      smart Europe GmbH, Germany

      “Linguidoor provides professional translation service. I’ve collaborated several times with them. The team reacts fast, communicatively. Recommended.”

      Qian WU, Ph.D. International Sales manager,
      Morphogo, China

      “We asked Linduidoor to translate a company contract from German to English. We did not only receive our translated document promptly, but also in a very high quality. Thank you Rishi!”

      Isabella Böck Circularity Targets and KPIs Specialist,
      eolos GmbH, Berlin Germany

      Frequently asked questions complied just for you

      What is software localization, and why is it essential for software developers?

      Software localization is the process of adapting a software application to function in multiple languages and cultures. It’s vital for software developers because it enables them to expand their user base globally. By offering software in different languages and customizing it for diverse regions, developers can reach a wider audience, enhance user satisfaction, and increase adoption rates. Software localization is essential for ensuring that users worldwide can effectively use and navigate the software.

      Linguidoors software localization services include a thorough 6 step process. These are identifying resource files to translate, translating content, reviewing translations for errors, placing translated files into your code structure, resizing dialog boxes as needed, building, compiling, and testing resulting software for all target markets. And we successfully do this with our worldwide native professional translators and experienced software experts to deliver the best quality localized version of your software.

      Our software localization services provide every necessary support that is required from getting the source text to displaying its localized version to our clients. And localize varied kinds of software versions that exist. Our best-selling services under Software Localization are – Mobile App Localization, CRM Localization, Payroll & Billing Software, HR Management Localization, Hiring Software Localization, Business Management Software, Supply Chain Management Software, and Medical Software Localization.

      Software localization services require adjusting code, error strings and messages, online help, end-user license agreements, legal requirements, technical specifications, and other details. Along with it, tailoring units of measurement and the formatting of numbers, time, and dates are also included. Payment methods and currencies also require localization. We also ensure the compatibility of fonts to make sure that we meet the requirements relating to copyright or data security procedures applicable in each region.

      Having almost 10+ years of experience in this field we had been blessed enough to work with leading companies around the globe. The process of translating content into a target language and culture, adapting it to the target culture, integrating it into the software, and testing the localized product to make sure it works as intended are all parts of the localization of software. Depending on the software’s complexity and the target language/culture, this approach may change.

      When it comes to testing our output software we generally execute it in two different levels. The first level is linguistic testing where we approach our linguistic experts to scrutinize the expressions, phrases and terminologies used and check the balance between the original software and the localized software. And the second level is functional testing where we check the compatibility of the software’s proper functioning which will reach the end-user. To ensure seamless functioning of the software we critically navigate through the entire software to avoid any user dissatisfaction.

      Haven't got your answers? Contact Support


      Made up your mind yet?

      Empower your globalization goals today!